
Current Topics in Fluid Simulation


SS 2022





ECTS 4 credits


Note: This page is for a course from a previous semester.
Find a list of current courses on the Teaching page.
Course Dates:




Introductory Meeting 08.04.22, 10:30-12:00 Online
Talks 24.06.22, 10:15-12:15 Room 5054 (2356|054)
Talks 01.07.22, 10:15-12:15 Room 5054 (2356|054)
Talks 08.07.22, 10:15-12:15 Room 5054 (2356|054)
Talks 15.07.22, 10:15-12:15 Room 5054 (2356|054)
Changes Due To Corona

The introductory meeting will be virtual. The connection details will be made available to participants through Moodle. We plan to do the final presentations towards the end of the semester in person.

For the virtual meeting we primarily intend to use Zoom. You may download the Zoom client for your platform at https://zoom.us/download. Prospective course participants should make sure that they are members of the course room in RWTHmoodle by contacting the instructors if they have not already been added. The connection details (room URL/ID and password) for each course's Zoom room will be provided to students through RWTHmoodle. In order to support RWTH students and staff with the use of digital tools like Zoom, the CLS group has made available a number of handbooks and guides at the following URL: https://video.cls.rwth-aachen.de/gebrauchsanweisungen/.

We would like to remind students that the use of digital platforms for teaching introduces additional privacy concerns. In particular, it is strictly prohibited to make recordings of live teaching sessions, or to use additional tools such as screen-capture software or film cameras to circumvent this is.

Fluid simulation is an important and active research area in computer graphics. There are many applications ranging from interactive computer games to special effects in movies. The seminar will focus on current topics in the area of fluid simulation such as the efficient simulation of incompressible fluids (e.g. water), surface tension effects or highly viscous materials.

In this seminar each participant will work on a current topic in this research area, summarize it in a short paper using LaTeX and present the topic in a block seminar. All topics will be introduced in the first meeting. The participation in all meetings is mandatory.


Previous knowledge of the subject is not required; but attendance of the Computer Animation and Computer Graphics lectures by Prof. Bender and Prof. Kobbelt, respectively, is recommended.


Will be announced in the introductory meeting.

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